电子及光伏新材料产业化项目制冷机系统招标公告 1、招标条件: Bidding Conditions: 1.1 项目概况:陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司为中外合资企业,计划在陕西省榆林市佳县榆佳工业园建立一个电子及光伏新材料产业化项目。 Project overview: Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. is a Sino-foreign joint venture, and an electronic and photovoltaic new material industrialized project has been established in Industrial Park, Jiaxian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. 1.2资金到位或资金来源落实情况:自筹资金,已落实 Source of funds: self-raised funds, have been implemented 1.3项目已具备招标条件的说明:该项目已由陕发改产业【2014】542号文批准建设。 Description of the Prepared Bidding Conditions: The project has been approved by [2014] No.542 of Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission. 2、招标内容: 2. Bidding Content 2.1招标编号:SCZF2014-ZB-1111/48 Bidding No.: SCZF2014-ZB-1111/48 2.2项目名称:陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司电子及光伏新材料产业化项目制冷机系统A7FY-4-0305_RS0 Project name: Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co.,Ltd. Electronic and photovoltaic new material industrialization project, Refrigerating machine system A7FY-4-0305_RS0 2.3招标范围:包括装载压缩机的制冷机1套、空冷式制冷机(CH-1&CH-2)1套、空冷式制冷机1套;包括整个机组的设计和撬块内部仪表、管道的安装;具体详见招标文件等。 Including 1 sets of cooling machine, air cooling machine (), 1 sets of air-cooled chiller (CH-1&CH-2), including the design of the whole unit and the installation of the instrument and pipe in the design of the unit. 2.4项目实施地点:陕西省榆林市佳县榆佳工业园 Place of Implementation: Yu Jia Industrial Park in Jiaxian County, Yulin Shaanxi 2.5招标方式:公开招标,资格后审 Bidding Method: Public Bidding, Post-Qualification Evaluation 3、投标人资格要求: Qualification Requirements for the Bidder: 3. 1 资质证书 投标人应须有合法有效的营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证书、所投产品通过ISO 9000/9001认证 Qualification certificate The bidder shall have valid business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate, and the investment products through 9000/9001 ISO certification 3. 2成功业绩 Successful Experience 投标人需要提供其制造的同型号或类似型号的产品,在类似的化工或石油化工行业至少3年成功服役的业绩证明。 Bidder shall give evidence that their manufactured equipment of same or similar type have successfully operated in a similar chemical / petrochemical service for a minimum period of three (3) years. 3.3投标人如为代理商,需提供制造商的授权书。 If the bidder also acts as an agent, shall provide the manufacturer's authorization. 3.4投标人具有良好的银行资信和商业信誉,没有处于被责令停业,财产被接管、冻结,破产状态; The Bidder shall have reliable banking standing or goodwill, not in a state of closure, being taken over or being broke; 3.5单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得同时参加本项目投标; Different the Bidder that have the same person in charge or have relationship of share-holding or management should not participate in the Bids for the Project; 3.6是否接受联合体投标:否 Joint Bids: Not acceptable 4、招标文件的获取: 4. Acquisition of Bidding Document 4.1招标文件领购开始和截止时间:2015年11月12日至2015年11月18日的每天(节假日除外)9:30~17:00(北京时间); Beginning and ending of selling Bidding Documents: AM 9:30~17:00 every working day from November 12, 2015 to November 18, 2015 (Beijing Time) (excluding the weekend and China’s legal holidays); 4.2获取招标文件方式:现场领购(地址:西安市高新二路山西证券大厦八楼招标六部) Method of obtaining Bidding Documents: site purchasing (address: Department 6, 8/F, Shanxi Security Building, Gaoxin 2 Road Xi’an, Shaanxi.) 4.3招标文件售价:2000元人民币,售后不退。 Price of Bidding Documents: RMB 2,000.00, once sold will not be returned. 4.4其他说明:购买招标文件时需提交投标人保密承诺书及投标人廉洁自律承诺书。 Additional notes: when buying the Bidding Documents, the Bidder should provide the Letter of Commitments for Confidentiality and Bidder’s Honesty and Self-discipline. 4.5投标截止时间(开标时间):2015年12月7日上午9:00时(北京时间) The deadline for submitting bids (time of bid opening): AM 9:00 on December 7, 2015 (Beijing Time) 4.6投标文件送达地点: 西安市高新商务酒店一楼第五会议室 Place of the bid: Xi'an City hi tech Traders Hotel on the first floor of the fifth conference room 4.7开标地点: 西安市高新商务酒店一楼第五会议室 Place of Bid opening: Xi'an City hi tech Traders Hotel on the first floor of the fifth conference room 5、 联系方式 Contact Details 招标代理机构:陕西省采购招标有限责任公司 Bidding Agent: Shaanxi Provincial Procurement & Tendering Co., Ltd 地址及邮编:西安市高新二路山西证券大厦八楼招标六部,710075 Address: Department 6, 8/F Shanxi Security Building, Gaoxin 2 Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi. 710075 电话: 029-88496536 Tel: 029-88496536 传真:029-88496536 邮箱:494800869@qq.com Fax: 029-88496536 E-mail: 494800869@qq.com 联 系 人:孙莉 任波 Contact: Sun Li Ren Bo