压力容器采购招标公告 西北(陕西)国际招标有限公司受陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司的委托,就以下项目组织进行国内公开招标。 Entrusted byShaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Material Co., Ltd. , Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Company, Limited will openly organize the domestic bidding for the following projects. 1、项目名称:压力容器采购 Project name: Pressure Vessels 2、项目编号:0617-15230733 Project number: 0617-15230733 3、招标文件发售时间: Issuance Date of the Bidding Document: 2015年06月24日至2015年06月30日(每天9:00-16:30,双休日、节假日休息)。 From 06/24 (MM DD), 2015 to 06/30 (MM DD), 2015 (from 9:00 to 16:30 every day, except for two-day weekends, holidays and festivals) 4、招标文件发售方式:1000元(售后不予退还),来人购买(持投标人介绍信、法人代表授权书原件、投标人廉洁自律承诺书和第6条“投标人资质要求”中要求的相关证书及证明材料)。 Issuance mode of the bidding document:1000RMB/package (no return after sale), procurement by specially-assigned persons (with the bidder's introduction letter , legal representative's original authorization, Bidder’s Letter of Commitment to be Incorruptible and Self-disciplined, Article 6 " Bidder's Qualification Requirements " the required certificates and documents). 5、投标截止时间:2015年07月14日9:30时整; 开标时间:2015年07月14日9:30时整; 开标地点:陕西体育宾馆会议室或以招标代理公司通知为准。 Deadline for submission of bid: 9:30 a.m. on 07/14 (MM DD), 2015; Bid opening time: 9:30 a.m. on 07/14 (MM DD), 2015; Bid opening place: Shaanxi Sports Hotel meeting room or other places informed by the bidding agency. 6、投标人资质要求: Bidder's Qualification Requirements: (1)在中国境内注册、有独立法人资格、独立承担民事责任能力的企业,且经营范围包括投标内容; The bidder has established enterprises that must be registered in China, have independent legal personality and can independently bear civil liabilities; (2)投标人的法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,以及其他形式有资产关联关系的投标申请人,都不得在同一招标项目中同时提出投标申请; If the Bidder's legal representative takes charge of two or more companies, the parent company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries or holding company, or companies with asset correlation in any form, he shall not submit bidding applications in the same bidding project as bidding applicants at the same time; (3)设计和制造许可证 Design License and Manufacturing License 投标方应有A1(或A2)压力容器设计许可证和A1(或A2)压力容器制造许可证; The bidder should have Design License A1 or A2 and Manufacturing License A1 or A2 of special equipment; (4)ISO 9000/9001证书 ISO 9000 / 9001 certification 投标人应当持有ISO 9000/9001证书; Bidder shall have the ISO 9000 / 9001 certification; (5)有资质的焊工名单/Qualified welder list 投标者应提供对材料SS2205有资质的焊工名单和证明的扫描件,至少30名; Bidder shall provide qualified welder list with scanned welder certifications for material SS2205 material, minimum 30 qualified welders; (6)成功业绩Successful Experience 投标人需要提供其制造的同型号或类似型号的产品,至少5年运行的业绩证明。提供业绩合同至少一份; Bidder shall give evidence that their manufactured equipment of same or similar type have successfully operated, Service for a minimum period of three (3) years.The bidder should submit at least one contract; (7)本项目不接受代理商投标; This project does not accept bidding agent; (8)本项目不接受联合体投标。 Consortium bids are not accepted for this Project. 7、招标代理机构:西北(陕西)国际招标有限公司 Bidding agency: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Company, Limited. 招标文件发售地址:西安市南二环西段21号华融国际商务大厦A座五层(南二环与朱雀路十字西北角)西北(陕西)国际招标有限公司设备招标三处 Issuance address of the bidding document: Equipment Bidding Section III of Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Company, Northwest Side on Floor 5 of Huarong International Commercial Affairs Building A, No 21, Western Section, South 2nd Ring Road, Xi'an City (i.e. Northwest Corner of the intersection between South 2nd Ring Road and Zhuque Road) 联系人:侯文强 谢涛 司雪青 Contacts: Hou Wenqiang, Xie Tao, Si Xueqing 电话:029-82309033 传真:029-82309695 Tel.: 029-82309033 Fax: 029-82309695 8、投标保证金账户信息如下: Detailed information about the bid security account is listed as follows: 户 名:西北(陕西)国际招标有限公司 Account Name: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Company, Limited 开户银行:交通银行西安长安大学支行 Deposit Bank: Xi'an Chang'an University Sub-branch of Bank of Communications 帐 号:611301151018010003843 Account No.: 611301151018010003843 9、采购人:陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司 Purchaser: Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Material Co., Ltd. 地 址:陕西省榆林市榆佳工业园 Address:Yu Jia Industrial Park, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province